Traditional medicine for modern ailments. Hand made medicine formulated by Herabalists.

Mu Healing Blog

  • Recipe: 2-Ingredient Burdock Vinegar Tonic for Liver Detox

    Why burdock + vinegar?

    Apple cider vinegar helps the liver eliminate waste cuz the acid in ACV binds to toxins in the liver and flushes them out. Burdock root helps detoxify the liver by removing toxins from your bloodstream. It’s a great digestive aid and helps reduce bloating.

  • Episode #1: a short intro interview with Sarah & Tiffany!

    "I love herbalism because it's democratic."
    - Sarah Wang, Herbalist & Co-owner of Mu Healing

  • WTH Is That? #2: The Immune System

    "The immune system can remember millions of different enemies, and can produce secretions and cells to match up with and kill all of them."

    Understanding the Immune System: How It Works, by the National Institute of Health, September 2003

  • An Ayurveda-inspired recipe for winter wellness: TURMERIC MYLK with CBD drops

    If you’ve heard or seen photos of the ever popular Golden Milk (which we’re calling Turmeric Mylk here), you should also know that it’s based on...
  • WTH Is That? #1: Tincture edition

    As Sun Simiao* once said…

    Do not take good health for granted. Just as one should not forget danger in times of peace, try to prevent the coming of disease beforehand.
  • "WTH Is That?" A New Blog Series

    Welcome to our blog! And to a series I’m calling What The Heck (WTH) Is That? The purpose of this series is to explain whatever the heck it is we...
  • Cannabis. The people's medicine.

    Cannabis, the powerful and versatile master plant, is believed to have co-evolved with humans. It finds “a way to produce chemicals that give us pleasure, like THC, thereby seducing us into cultivating it and spreading it – a strategy that allowed cannabis to piggyback on humans as we’ve settled all over the world.”