Traditional medicine for modern ailments. Hand made medicine formulated by Herabalists.

Our Mission

Our Mission & Plans Ahead

Mu Healing is a wellness line borne from ancestral practices. Through knowledge and passion for herbal medicine, we create natural products with modern ailments in mind.

As we grow, so too will our product line. By starting with core products, we commit more time to studying and researching our ingredients, thereby creating safer and more effective formulas.

With our growing knowledge of herbalism, we plan to continue diversifying our product line based on people’s needs; make medicine accessible as we continue to harness the profound healing powers of plants; and use our website as an educational resource on herbalism and wellness. We believe it’s fundamental that we take responsibility for our own health and bodies.

Core Beliefs

We are firm believers in the efficacy of preventative self-care but herbal treatments are only one slice of the overall wellness pie. With our products, we wish to serve as gentle reminders to slow down, practice patience, and be compassionate with your body, yourself, and others.

Ethical Practices

We never use synthetic ingredients in our products. No additives to enhance scent, flavor, or appearance. Our binding agent is beeswax when necessary so when 'imperfections' -- cracks or shrinkage -- appear, that's beeswax doin' its thing. We are so used to products looking perfectly flawless but what does that say about the formula itself? Too many products on the market rely on unnatural chemicals to achieve a desirable look and feel but ultimately our skin is eating up these chemicals. In the process of making natural medicine, our highest priority is to keep our ingredient list simple and effective. No funny business.

We use organic raw ingredients in our medicine-making as often as possible but, occasionally due to availability or cost, we will use conventional grade herbs. For transparency, the ingredients listed on our product labels will indicate whether organic or non-organic.

We are working towards minimizing our use of plastic. We are a small, women-owned & operated, self-funded business. And to that extent, we must be very conscious about costs if we want to stay afloat. As our business grows, we will actively budget for sustainable materials in place of harmful plastics. Please be patient with us as we try to do our part :)

Last Thoughts...

We are fortunate to live in a society full of open and inquiring minds. As our privilege to access more and more information expands, we hope to pay it forward by providing resources for others who wish to learn and grow. We are constantly adding to our Herbal Directory and are happy to address any questions.

Tiffany & Sarah

Learn about the Co-Founders here.